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World Day Against Child Labor

As an intern at Patriot Ghana's Cheerful Hearts Foundation, I worked on the Child Labor Project. I tutored former child laborers after school and conducted progress reports with their teachers in order to provide information on the child academic abilities for the organization's records. I conducted interviews in Senya--the fishing village from where most children are trafficked. The data gathered from the interviews served to gauge how much the people of Senya understood about child trafficking and its effects, and their stance on it. I also travelled to different schools in the villages of Senya and Nyanyano to give talks about child labor to school children. Cheerful Hearts' goal for the talks is to instill in the children the importance of education and understand that it, along with many other things, is one their rights. In order to find out if the talks were something that the children retained, I conducted pre-tests and post-tests that asked the students about the content of the presentation. I then graded the tests by coding the responses and building a spreadsheet with the results for evaluation at the end of the year.


Cheerful Hearts Foundation is an NGO that concentrates on community based human rights, public health, and education projects that assist and empower rural communities in Ghana.


Along with various games, the students of the schools in Senya participated in a soccer tournament. This is the winning team in there victory photo with the Cheerful Hearts team!

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